Hi! We are a small father and son micro company since 2012 and are based in Bangor North Wales. We innovate and hand make ergonomic products for guitarists and more recently cyclists since we designed AirPannier for carrying musical instruments safely on bicycles.
Being a professional guitarist, composer and teacher for many years and starting to develop worrying shoulder problems and RSI's, I set about creating a complete ergonomic support system for guitarists to relieve them from back, neck, shoulder and RSI pains.
Much prototyping and head scratching followed and I came up with our Mundo Guitar Support and Mundo Guitar Strap. After a great deal of testing I was relieved to discover I'd cured my own problems, plus, at the time our son was in need of meaningful work, and so we set up our company and got going.
We had a really funny moment when I first tried the Mundo Guitar Strap. The flexibility and freedom of movement it offered suddenly dawned on me as I realised I could turn the guitar through 360 degrees. "Yo, watch this Joe" I said as I rammed the neck down with my left hand. The guitar whizzed around like a propellor and clunked itself into my head. We fell about laughing for some time. We'd inadvertently discovered the famous ZzTop guitar spin, something many of our customers love to do. Check out our videos page.
More recently, we started work on developing a safe and sound ergonomic method for carrying guitars and other musical instruments on bicycles, something I've always needed in my work. The remit was to create something that would be:
- Easy to use
- Fit in a pocket
- Be much lighter than regular panniers
- need no modification to carried instrument or bicycle
- Be 100% secure, tough, durable and able to carry 140kg
- To be ergonomic, (the thread of our company) not leaving the rider with a sweaty and strained back, fit for any gig.
Right up to date, we are currently working on some exciting development ideas with the Mundo Guitar Strap. We're responding to popular customer request and feedback and as ever we are excited about what's cooking. I never rush anything and listen closely to my son's articulate criticism and acute observation. His favourite phrase being "you dozy Muppet dad, stick it over here!" So stay in touch and we'll let you know when we're ready.
Huge thanks for visiting our new micro family company website and supporting us in our creative adventures.
Live long in your playing and enjoy good health.
Paul Martin
Founder, designer & director Mundo Music Gear